Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You know your a teacher if.....

You know your a teacher if...
You just spent most of your supply money at Walmart this week... While your husband was at Scout camp I went shopping to get stocked up for supplies I'll need this year at school. My cart was seriously loaded with just stuff for school! Yikes!

You know your a teacher if....
While at Walmart shopping for school supplies you are digging through the boxes of notebooks and folders to get enough of the color you need. I needed/wanted to get 25 red notebooks and 25 blue folders. Then someone walks by and says, "What grade do you teach?" yup!

You know your a teacher if...
You go crazy for good deals on school stuff. While at Walmart I found these little packs of 6 mini highlighters for 97 cents. So I bought 25 of them, well I paid for 25 but only made it home with 24?

Then when I got home, I sorted them by color and put the colors together in the packs. I mean who gives a table of 1st graders a pack of multi colored high lighters? I'd never hear the end of it.. "Mrs. Shaffer I want the pink but so and so took it first.. I want the blue but he does too..." Get my point? So If I have a pack of 6 yellow and hand it out to a table of kiddos there's nothing to argue about, they all get a yellow!

You know your a teacher if..
You 2 year old is sorting by color, counting 6 mini highlighters for you and building with the containers. Ya, K was pretty entertained with helping sort, count, and then stack the highlighter containers. Poor girl has to live with an OCD 1st grade teacher as her mom.

1 comment:

Jaci said...

You are adorable KayDee! Wish I had a youngster to send to you! Thank you again for the awesome meal you brought us! You are one of the most kind people I know. Thank you for being my friend! :)