Monday, January 10, 2011


Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas break!

For the month of January our school behavior goal is fairness. The reward for being kind and fair this month is being able to have extra break and have a snowball fight with Mr. Lee. Our reading reward this month is being able to participate in the snow man building contest. Please continue reading daily and reminding your child to turn in their reading folder and homework each work.

In Math we have been counting to 100 in many ways. We can count by 1''s, 2's, 5's, and 10's. Your child will also be passing off writing from 1- 100 correctly. We have also started learning about place value. We will focus mainly on the ones and ten place values. Please look for Math papers coming home each day.

Next week we will start on counting money, please help your child by practicing at home. Each child needs to know the name and value of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, and dollar. They also need to know how to count on small amounts of change. By the end of January we will learn to tell time. In first grade we need to know how to tell the hour and half hour.

Please continue to read with your child with day. We have been practicing our fluency and working on different comprehension skills in class. We are also working hard to have each student in our class pass off their first grade sight words.

Our school literacy night is this Thursday the 13th. DIBELS testing will be Wednesday January 19th.

Parent teacher conferences will be held on January 26th and 27th.

January book orders are due this Friday the 14th.

Thanks for all you do! :)

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