Monday, October 4, 2010


In first grade one of our goals is to have each student reading fluently. (Fluent reading for a first grade student is considered that the child can read 60 words per minute on a level h with 98% accuracy). We have been learning about fluency in our class. I have explained to your child that fluency means reading "not too slow, but not too fast." We talked about "accuracy", that means we are not guessinf on the words we don't know, we read the word correctly. We have also talked about using expression in our voices as we read. We do this by paying attention to the punctuation marks in the things we are reading.
Something we will begin doing each week is having two "fluency poemms" to read. we will practice this as a whole class every day. We will also have a one minute timing on Monday and Friday each week. Please help your child improve their reading fluency by practicing their fluency poems at home. You can help them practice a one minute timing by setting a timer for one minute and seeing how many words per minute they read on Monday and do the same thing on Friday to see if they improved on their words read per minute. You will recieve a copy of their poems each Monday.
Thanks for your help!!

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